you found my personal webpage on the wide internet. there's not much you can do here except using that little space to relax and enjoy a moment of peaceful boredom away from the exhausting stimuli of the internet.
my name is nicolas, i am a software developer born and raised in southern france. i live a simple seaside life, making the most of the small things, spending quality time with my family, enjoying shared moments with my loved ones and friends.
i like to build ui, tools, resilient frontend web and mobile applications using javascript. i've been crafting software for about 7 years or so and i've grown to carefully use tech as a tool to serve final products and end-users, taking into account the impacts of the tech industry.
despite loving the open web and technologies as tools for human fulfillment they also have a toxic side, that's why i keep a significant part of my life offline, seeking a balance ; you can often find me in record stores and independent bookshops or riding bikes which i think are one of the greatest and most efficient technology of all time. i try to read widely about political theory, philosophy, social sciences and arts, or a good novel from time to time.
i guess that is all for me, take care in these wild times.